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Planning Board Minutes 10/14/10
October 14, 2010 Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Maggie; Chair, Alan, Bridget, Larry and Barry
Public Present: Mike Parsons of Kelly Granger and Parsons Surveyors, Brian Domina of Berkshire Regional Planning

Meeting to order: 7:07

  • Kelly, Granger and Parsons Surveyors re: Hall property at 212 Blue Hill Road common driveway-  The board met with town counsel regarding if the common driveway would be Grandfathered or not. Town counsel pointed out that there was a 1990 signed plan when the lot was originally made into two separate lots. Changing the lot line is not a substantial change. It does not change the nature of the driveway and as a result the driveway is not an issue. Town Counsel stated that the common driveway is Grandfathered.  The board of health wanted the well on the same property as the house and that is why the lines are being changed. Mr. Parsons stated that there was potential for access to each building lot and the board agreed.  The board unanimously agreed to approve the plan. Mr. Parsons submitted the appropriate fee for filing a Form A.
  • Form A application-  Mr. Parsons was present to submit a Form A on behalf of Valerie Gene Costas of Mt. Hunger Road. The plan proposes to split the lot into two equal lots with equal frontage and acreage. When divided neither lot is up to building standards according to Monterey Zoning bylaws. Mr. Parsons stated that a note would have to be made that neither lot is to be built on. By operation of law the original property line of Ms. Costas is dissolved and the new parcel that was obtained will be the new lot line. Alan made a motion to approve the plan, Stephen seconded and it was unanimously agreed upon. The appropriate fee was submitted along with the Form A.
  • Report on meeting with cell tower representatives- Maggie provided the board with notes that she took at the meeting with the cell tower representatives.  Members present at that meeting were Larry Klein, Stephen Enoch and Maggie Leonard. The representatives stated that most towns had town wide overlay districts. Upon doing research Maggie discovered that Lenox, Stockbridge and Great Barrington have site specific districts all of the other surrounding towns are overlay districts. One town member present at the meeting was appreciative that the board was interested in getting 100% of the town covered. The representatives stated that that is not their interest at this time. They are mainly focusing on the route 23 corridor. However, they stated that in time it may come that the entire town is covered. At the meeting it was also discussed that Keswick was not going to be a viable sight as the board previously had heard about. Mt. Hunger was a sight of interest to the representatives. Maggie was under the impression from the representatives that if they discovered a very good viable spot on a piece of property and they could not gain access from that then they would choose not to use that property.
  • Report on Monterey Telecommunications bylaw initiative-  Larry has drafted a new version of a communications bylaw for the town. Maggie wondered if we should get rid of the old bylaw all together or if we were going to try to marry the old and the new. The board also revisited the debate of whether or not the entire town should be an overlay district or site specific. Larry felt that the entire town should be an overlay district and then controlled through the new bylaw. Stephen Enoch also felt that the entire town should be designated in order to be in control of each site. It was Stephen's opinion that if we have specific sites and a tower was put up on private property outside of one of those sites then we would have no control over it. Town counsel  felt comfortable designating a town wide overlay district. The representatives stated that three or at most four towers would be needed to have 100% coverage for the town. Brian reminded the board of the maps that were made earlier. He pointed out that a lot of the areas in the town were taken out of play due to land restrictions such as wet lands and protected areas.  Larry stated that the town is going to have to hold a special meeting for the Wired West project and he would like to be able to include the new bylaw in the same meeting. Larry thought that the meeting would take place either at the end of this year or at the start of 2011. The board agreed that we should have informational meetings prior to the special town meeting. Barry suggested putting an article in the town news to invite land owners to let the board know if they would possibly interested in having a tower on their property.  Larry made a motion that the board adopt the proposal of making the entire town an overlay district. Stephen Enoch seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-2. Barry and Bridget said no. The board will pursue the town wide option.
  • Public Hearing- The board discussed getting all of the information organized in order to educate the public at a hearing. The date of this hearing will be determined.
  • Monterey Zoning Bylaw re- write initiative- Bob Lazarini of the ZBA is very interested in having an entire re-write of the bylaws. The Planning Board also agrees that this would be a good idea.
  • Previous meeting minutes-  September 23rd meeting minutes approved as written.
  • Upcoming Meetings- There is only one meeting in November due to Thanksgiving. The board is discussing  calling a second meeting in November. There is also only one in December due to Christmas. The board will consider calling a second meeting in December as well. The board is going to set a goal for holding a public hearing in the middle of December.
  • Mail Opened- Special permit was granted to Mr. Johnson of Elephant Rock road. Berkshire Regional Planning Minutes.
Meeting Adjourned- 9:30PM
Submitted by Bridget Krans